“Reading should not be presented to children as a chore or duty. It should be offered to them as a precious gift.”
In the hectic hustle and bustle of modern life, we are often bombarded with the notion that constant productivity is the key to fulfilment. This mindset can even infiltrate our leisure activities, including reading. Whether it’s setting daily page quotas or aiming to finish a certain number of books each year, the idea of taking a break from reading might feel like admitting defeat. However, from stress reduction to heightened enjoyment, the team at What We Reading is here to emphasize that reading breaks can be a lifeline for your well-being. So, for what might be the first time on this blog, join us as we explain why hitting the pause button and setting a book down could be the optimal decision for your mind and soul.
What Causes Reading Breaks, And How Long Do They Last?
There are myriad reasons why someone might choose to take a break from reading. Firstly, life sometimes intervenes, with plans occupying the time earmarked for reading or feelings of exhaustion, stress, or burnout overshadowing the joy of diving into a book. The decision to sit down with a book can, at times, feel like an added chore, depending on whether reading can serve as a positive escape from these circumstances.
Another reason for indulging in a reading break is the nature of the material being read. If the content is emotionally heavy or particularly triggering, some readers may require time away from the book to process it. Ultimately, some people refuse to force themselves to read, believing that, if you’re forcing yourself to do something, are you really enjoying it?
There’s no set time a reading break has to last. It can range from a brief ten minutes to an entire year it’s all about personal preference and when a reader feels ready to immerse themselves in a book again!

When Should You Take A Reading Break?
Put simply, take a break whenever you feel it’s necessary! If the process of reading ever starts to feel like a chore or loses the enjoyment it once had, it might be time for a break from the books. Reflecting on how and why the reading experience has changed is also a crucial consideration to keep in mind both before and during a break.
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Do Reading Breaks Help You Read More Long-Term?
Without a doubt! In our experience, forcing yourself to grind through books takes much longer Reading at a pace that feels natural and aligns with your mood is crucial. Quality reading always trumps quantity reading. We’d prefer to savour one book in a month, thoroughly enjoying the experience, than rush through four that feel like a complete grind.
For some, setting reading goals and participating in challenges serves as motivation to pick up a book. The joy is in the act of reading; it’s just a matter of finding the willpower to get started. However, these goals and challenges can inadvertently introduce a sense of competition, creating the notion that reading more books somehow makes you a ‘superior reader.’ This perspective is unhealthy and does not contribute to extracting the fullest experience from a story. Reading should be a personal journey, not a race.
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The Importance Of Taking A Break
Immersing yourself in the process of reading a book is one of the most enjoyable ways to spend your time. Getting lost in the world and the characters, experiencing every twist and development, and learning something new—all these joys are lost when you force yourself to grind through the pages. Taking a reading break allows you to release the pressure of feeling obligated to read, reduces the risk of not finishing a book (DNFing), and ensures that when you decide to pick up a book again, you do so in the best possible state to fully appreciate and enjoy the reading experience.

Part-time reader, part-time rambler, and full-time Horror enthusiast, James has been writing for What We Reading since 2022. His earliest reading memories involved Historical Fiction, Fantasy and Horror tales, which he has continued to take with him to this day. James’ favourite books include The Last (Hanna Jameson), The Troop (Nick Cutter) and Chasing The Boogeyman (Richard Chizmar).