How to read a boring book guide

How To Read A Boring Book: Top Tips For When Reading Is Boring

“Even books that seem boring aren’t actually that dull. It’s just that the reader couldn’t find the interesting parts.”

Books have the ability to challenge our thoughts and push the capabilities of our imaginations to their very limits. Whether it be for an adrenaline rush or eye-opening academic insight, reading has a power that no other form of entertainment will ever be able to match. Books can make us laugh, cry, be furious or tranquil, sometimes all within the same sitting. But, what happens when a book is boring? We here at What We Reading hate DNFing anything, so we thought we would pull together a guide on how to read a boring book for the next time you find yourself struggling! 

Eliminate Distractions 

We all have spots and scenarios we reserve for reading. But, in the age where everything from social media to entertainment services are never far away from our fingertips, the lure of distractions has never been stronger. And this can be amplified even further when a book is struggling to hold your attention. But, if you want to get through a boring read, putting distractions to one side so your attention is solely on the pages in front of you is a must. 

Check Out How To Overcome Bad Reading Habits

Try Relaxation Techniques

Reading is one of the most proven therapy tools we have at our disposal. So often our minds will slowly slip into the pages of a story we have on our laps, allowing us to forget about our everyday lives around us. But, this is not so easily done when we have a book that struggles to hold our attention. One good tip we can recommend is to practice some light breathing techniques to help clear your head and keep the flow of a readthrough going. Even a couple of deep breaths before picking up the pages can work wonders! 

Break It Down

For many, reading has become a bucket list pursuit. They set targets on how many books they want to read within a set timeframe, and the same mentality can be applied to reads you find tedious to sit through. Knowing that you only have to read anything from a paragraph to a chapter rather than up to a few hundred pages can help give your mindset the refresh it needs. And these targets are by no means set in stone when it comes to reading boring books – feel free to shift them around as much as you want depending on how you feel! 

Use Visual Aids

Whether through highlighting certain sections or a tried-and-tested method of tracking your progress with your finger, visual aids can be a handy way of holding your attention through a part of a book giving you grief. Our brains are naturally attracted to motion, so you’ll find this small exercise goes a long way in keeping your brain engaged! Highlighting the parts that are interesting to you, however, few and far between they may be will also ensure aspects of the book remain with you even after you’ve put it down. 

Read More: Paperback vs Hardcover Books

Try The Audiobook 

Sometimes the material can be the biggest reason why reading can be boring. We get that sometimes, try as you might, it all just becomes a case of repeating the same sections over and over again. In that event, it might be worth attempting to tackle things differently. Audiobooks are one of those things that once some people have tried, they never go back from. And whilst we here at What We Reading are all about feeling the pages on our fingers, there’s no denying audiobooks can be a great solution for how to read a boring book. 

Take A Break 

Having a boring read can be one of the most draining experiences on the planet. Our best advice on how to make a book less boring is by sometimes admitting that and taking a break from it. You can’t force a read, so it’s always better to take your time with finishing a book rather than risking being burnout and a DNF. As well as taking a break, skipping over certain sections is another stellar strategy for boring reading. Again, whatever you need to do to avoid that dreaded DNF. 

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Reward Yourself

Rewarding yourself for doing something you don’t enjoy might usually be reserved for something like doing the washing, making your bed or hoovering up, but it also works just as well for getting through when reading is boring. From serving yourself a bowl of ice cream to giving yourself some time on the PlayStation, set yourself a goal for your reading session and you’ll be amazed how much more added motivation you find yourself with. 

Find Someone To Read With 

Like with any goal-orientated task, having a partner is one of the best ways of keeping yourself motivated. You have the healthy pressure of knowing someone else is slogging through alongside you, which can work wonders. As well as that, there’s the opportunity of getting a group together and sharing your thoughts on the book as you all progress. By sharing your thoughts with each other, you may discover new perspectives you missed before! 

Read More: First Person vs Third Person Perspectives

Remember Why You Picked The Book

Regardless of how boring a book may be, there’s a reason why you picked it up for a read. Is it going to help boost your grades? A guidebook on improving your life? Or the hottest new release in your favourite genre? Keeping in mind why you want to read a boring book can be a great way of keeping yourself motivated to the end. Being mindful of the goal and outcomes of finishing a book can keep your mind stimulated and away from the daunting prospect of going through a whole boring read. 

how to read a boring book - remember why you're reading
How do you deal with when reading is boring?

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