“Setting goals is the first step in turning the invisible into the visible.”
Do you know how many pages is 1500 words? Word counts are naturally very important in the literary world, but so too are the amount of pages your content takes up. Depending on your audience, genre, and type of publication, having too many or too few pages can risk either boring them or leaving them with the feeling of being undersold. With that in mind, join us at What We Reading as we present what 1500 words look like in different forms!
Why Are Word Counts Important?
Word counts matter because publishers and editors will expect you to be able to hit a target they have in their heads. Different reader demographics have different sweet spots, which can vary wildly.
Failing to meet a publisher’s desired word count runs the risk of your work either being returned or, worse, rejected entirely.
1500 words do not equal the same number of pages. Some platforms may even present two different word counts, which makes knowing how many pages 1500 words is all the more important.
Provides A Writing Goal
Having a set total to aim for can be a great motivator for writers. It gives them something to aim for when writing and helps them keep track of their progress as they go.
If you’re someone who finds a hefty word count daunting, consider breaking your writing goals into smaller word counts to keep yourself engaged.
Word Counts Help Books Sell
If you’ve ever found yourself wondering ‘How do authors make money?’, your word count plays a part. When publishers pitch to retailers, they need to keep in mind how their books are going to sit alongside others.
For instance, imagine your 260-page £8.99 book was sat next to another book for the same price but with double the amount of pages. Savvy shoppers might bargain that they are getting a better deal with the bigger page count, meaning your book misses out on purchases.

Check Out How Many Words Are In A Novel
How Long Is A 1500 Word Essay?
Depending on your topic and brief, the length of a 1500 word essay may vary.
But, you can expect a 1500 word essay to be three pages of A4 paper using font size 12.
1500 words can be a big feat for one sitting. If you’re finding it a challenge to reach your word limit, consider breaking your essay into smaller sections of 200-300 words. These smaller sections will help keep your essay more refined, and the smaller chunks will be more manageable to write.
How Many Pages Is 1500 Words Single Spaced?
Sticking with a size 12 font, the amount of pages for 1500 words is roughly three pages of A4.
It should be noted that different font styles may alter this. Bigger fonts such as Verdana, Asset or Poppins will produce more than three pages. Margin settings can also play a role in determining how many words fit on a page.
Using Paragraphs
Your paragraph length will factor in the total number of pages you use. The average paragraph length is about 200 words, though there is no set rule to adhere to when writing.
With that in mind, shorter paragraphs will increase your total page count as the spacing in between takes up more room than using longer paragraphs.
The Role Of Dialogue
You may have noticed books with lots of dialogue being described as ‘easy reads’. This is partly because of how much space dialogue takes up on a page.
1500 words of dialogue will take up more than three pages of A4.
What Number Of Pages Is 1500 Words 1.5 Spaced?
1.5 line spacing can help reduce eye strain whilst reading and make it easier for audiences with cognitive disabilities to read text.
Because of this, some publishers may ask for your writing to be 1.5 spaced. In this case, it’s handy to know how many pages 1500 words is to work within that format.
The number of pages for 1500 words 1.5 spaced is slightly under five pages of A4.
What Amount Of Pages Is 1500 Words Double Spaced?
Extra spacing between lines of text makes content easier and quicker to read and usually allows for more room for leaving comments and notes.
Double spacing is usually reserved for manuscripts, so it’s always best to double-check with a publisher’s requirements before proceeding with this format.
Once again working with size 12 font, 1500 words double spaced will take up six pages of A4 paper.
Is 1500 Words Enough For A Book?
1500 words might seem on the low end for an entire book word count (we’re already over 770 in this blog post alone!), however, it’s an acceptable length for certain types of books including:
Early Reader Books
Early reader books are targeted at children aged between four and eight. They use repetitive and simple words to help them learn to read and feature less imagery than picture books aimed at younger children.
Short Stories
As the name gives away, short stories are shorter than novels. A short story is typically around 1,500 and 7,500 words.
Short stories are usually only made up of a few characters and one relatively streamlined plot. The extensive worldbuilding and character arcs and development present in most novels are left out in short stories as the authors rarely have the time for them.
How Many Pages Is 1500 Words Handwritten?
Even in a literary world dominated by keyboards, handwriting still has a place for most writers. For one, it is a lot more portable than hauling a laptop around wherever you go. Secondly, handwriting has been shown to improve memory functionality and exercise the brain.
In most cases, handwritten words are around double the size of typed ones. In all, 1500 words handwritten will be roughly six pages in length.
Of course, this can vary depending on the style of your handwriting, the spaces you leave between words, etc.
How Long Does It Take To Write 1500 Words?
How long it takes to write 1500 words depends on your writing speed. Knowing how many pages 1500 words is one thing, but working out how long it will take you to write them is quite another.
Most adults write about 40 words per minute (WPM). When you already know about what you’re writing, this can be significantly quicker, however.
Taking 40 words per minute as the average, it will take 37.5 minutes to write 1500 words. That doesn’t take into account planning, research, and editing, so be sure to keep those in mind as you schedule your work.
How To Increase Typing Speed
If 40 WPM is just too slow for you, there are ways of increasing your typing speed.
The first thing to keep in mind is your body position and the position of your keyboard. Ensure your back is straight, your feet are planted on the floor, and the keyboard is comfortably within reach.
Next, try to keep your eyes on the screen as you go. This can feel alien at first, but it will keep your focus on what you are writing and allow you to catch mistakes as you make them.
Finally, keep practising! Just like those keyboard memory games from when you were younger, all it takes is a little bit of familiarity to remember where each letter is on a keyboard. With a bit of time, your typing speed will increase significantly.
Is 1500 Words Enough For An Essay?
Absolutely. Standard undergraduate college essays are typically between 1500-5000 words.
The bulk of your word count in an essay should be dedicated to the main body i.e. the portion of the work where you can add evidence and theories to support your arguments.
If you are struggling to hit an essay word count, consider adding more relevant examples, studies, and evidence to your paragraphs to strengthen your ideas. Avoid fluff writing techniques such as filler words or jargon, however, as those will make your writing less convincing.
Hitting the required word count is essential for securing a top grade, with most schools and examiners allowing for a 10% leeway on either side.
Conjure Up 1500 Words
In conclusion, 1500 words is three pages of A4 paper. Unless you are using double spacing, then it stretches up to six pages.
Armed with the knowledge of how many pages 1500 words is, you should find your writing sessions far more efficient.
Word counts are important as they help publishers promote your books and help you break down your writing goals and stick to their submission guidelines.

Part-time reader, part-time rambler, and full-time Horror enthusiast, James has been writing for What We Reading since 2022. His earliest reading memories involved Historical Fiction, Fantasy and Horror tales, which he has continued to take with him to this day. James’ favourite books include The Last (Hanna Jameson), The Troop (Nick Cutter) and Chasing The Boogeyman (Richard Chizmar).