J Mark Stacy

An Interview With J Mark Stacy, Author Of A Schizophrenic, Tapped & Skipped

J Mark Stacy is an award-winning author best known for her powerful book, A Schizophrenic, Tapped & Skipped. What We Reading sat down with J Mark to discuss everything from her work as a writer to the influence her faith and family have had on her.

Thanks for speaking with us, J Mark! First off, tell us a bit about yourself and what led you to the world of writing.

Hi! I spent thirty years in the transportation industry. For almost fifteen years, I’ve been blending families with my husband. Together we have eight kids, nine grandkids (and one on the way) and a great-grandkid. 

I felt called to write my memoir. I’ve always enjoyed writing privately. This was a vulnerability challenge. God just wouldn’t let me sleep on it.

Talk to us about A Schizophrenic, Tapped & Skipped. What is it about, and what are some of its key messages?

It’s a hope-filled faith journey. I walk through what it’s like to have two daughters homeless and clinging to life. What it’s really like to deal with a person with schizophrenia. A firsthand account of the horror and torment of those of us who love them. What it’s really like to love an addict. 

You’ll see me tap dance with the devil and keep looking to God. It’s about trying to find a different way to navigate the complicated waters of the gap in care for the mentally disabled. 

Check out A Schizophrenic Tapped & Skipped by J Mark Stacy

What is the number one goal you want your work to have with readers?

Awareness and to show that there is always hope.

Give us a bit of an insight into how faith influences your work. Would you say it was a perspective that makes you unique as a writer in your field?

Without God, I couldn’t have gotten through this journey. He called me. A lowly person who sees herself as not a very good Christian. It took my oldest daughter writing on my mirror, “You are worthy of a calling” before I actually decided to publish the book. I was shocked to win nine awards.

What would you say has been your biggest success so far? 

My daughters are still alive. 

If you could go back in time to one book you read for the first time, what would it be and why? 

The Bible – easy answer. 🙂

If you could go back in time and give your younger self one tip, what would it be?

Learn how to listen. Don’t let your daughter live with her dad. OK, that is two… my bad.

And finally, what do you hope the future holds for you and your writing? 

My prayers are that more will understand mental illness and addiction. Someday, we will take better care of the homeless. We will have better intervention programs for young adults with schizophrenic symptoms. We will NOT just look away.

In my writing, I have two or three other WIPs, but I spend most of my time still caring for my daughter and my six-year-old son. (He is also part of the story). 

Check out J Mark on Twitter/X or at her website

Check out our interview with author AJ Aberford here

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